All children deserve to live well; enjoy access to basic needs and wants. Unfortunately, many children in various parts of developing countries are suffering from extreme poverty. It’s our responsibility to help each other, especially children from poor backgrounds so they can get some of the opportunities that privileged children get. So, sponsor a child today and give them the power to break from the cycle of poverty. 

How to Sponsor a Child Today

Several non-governmental organizations in various African countries work hard-in-hard with the local governments and the private sector to assist children to get out of poverty. And by sponsoring a child, you fund community-based programs to develop a lasting, one-to-one relationship with the child.

  • There are many ways to sponsor a child in Africa, including:
  • Donating to the children to ensure they grow up healthy, safe, and educated
  • Offer mosquito nets for the under-privileged families

Sponsoring a child is a personal and effective way of fighting poverty. When you help a child in need, you help them have hope for the future. It also allows you to model faithful giving for your children and live more generously.

So Many Children in Africa

There are so many children in Africa due to little support and access to family planning among the elite. But there have been changes as educated populations are now embracing family planning. Most rural families are also having fewer children and space them further apart. Many are using contraception though the necessary services aren’t available to them yet.

sponsor a child

How long do Sponsorships Last?

Sponsoring a child is a voluntary and ongoing contribution. It’s upon you to decide how long you can help. Many sponsors have supported children for over 20 years and some up to 50 years!

Meeting the child you sponsor face-to-face is encouraged. That should build a lasting relationship between you too. However, there are things you may not do like taking the child to your country for their own safety and well-being.


Many children are suffering due to the generational cycle of poverty. But you can do something to break this circle and help these children lead a decent life. Sponsor a child today and allow them to access property education, health, and safety. That will help them grow up into responsible and helpful members of society.

Related Source: African Child Sponsorship, Sponsor a Family in Africa