As parents, we constantly strive to provide the best for our children, and choosing the right childcare centre is a decision that can shape their formative years. Nestled in a serene environment, Paerata Rise Childcare offers an experience that goes beyond traditional care, fostering holistic growth and development.

Holistic Approach to Learning

They embrace a holistic approach to learning, recognising that education isn’t confined to textbooks and classrooms. The environment itself is a teacher, and this childcare centre utilises its surroundings to engage young minds. Through nature walks, outdoor play, and interactive activities, children are encouraged to explore, question, and learn through hands-on experiences.

Playful Learning for Curious Minds

Childhood is a time of wonder and curiosity, and Paerata Rise Childcare understands this intrinsic nature of children. The centre’s approach is rooted in the belief that play is a child’s natural way of learning. Structured yet flexible, the curriculum is designed to spark creativity and critical thinking. Through imaginative play, art, and storytelling, children’s minds are enriched, paving the way for a lifelong love of learning.

Paerata Rise Childcare

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

In a world driven by academics, emotional intelligence can sometimes be overlooked. Paerata Rise Childcare recognises the significance of emotional well-being in a child’s overall development. Through open communication, empathy, and activities that promote self-expression, children learn to understand and manage their emotions.

Dedicated and Skilled Educators

A childcare centre is only as exceptional as its educators. Paerata Rise Childcare takes pride in its team of dedicated professionals who are not just caretakers, but mentors. With a deep understanding of child development and a passion for teaching, these educators create a nurturing and stimulating environment that encourages children to flourish academically and socially.

Community Engagement

The centre understands that learning extends beyond its walls and reaches into the community like Ormiston childcare centres. Regular interactive sessions involving parents, guardians, and families strengthen the bond between home and childcare. This collaboration creates a seamless learning experience for the child, enhancing their sense of belonging and security.


In a world where early childhood education sets the foundation for a lifetime of learning, Paerata Rise Childcare stands as an exemplar. It recognises the uniqueness of every child and strives to provide an experience that nurtures their minds, bodies, and hearts. Through its holistic approach, playful learning, focus on emotional intelligence and dedicated educators, it offers a haven where young minds blossom into confident, curious, and compassionate individuals.