Most of the electrical appliances in our homes need a power source to operate. The power source can be either an alternating (AC) or a direct current (DC). The type of power source an appliance needs is usually mentioned in the appliance’s box or user manual. New Zealand’s power sockets use a 240V, 50Hz AC power supply. The sockets have three flat pins arranged in a triangle. Please keep reading to learn more about power sockets in NZ, including their specifications.

Power supply in NZ:

The voltage in New Zealand is 240V at 50Hz. This means that the current changes direction at 50 times per second and thus produces an alternating current instead of a direct current (DC). The frequency of 50Hz has been chosen to be compatible with European countries that run on 230V at 50Hz and many other countries around the world.

Accepted plugs and sockets:

The standard plug used in New Zealand is called Type I or Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 3112:2000. This plug features three flat pins arranged in a triangle. Many countries worldwide, including Australia and China, use Type I plugs. However, not all countries use this type of plug, so you must check whether your appliances require a Type I plug before purchasing them.

Additional voltage ratings:

The standard voltage rating for New Zealand is 230V, but some appliances require higher voltages to operate properly. This is especially true regarding large appliances such as air conditioners and heaters, which need higher voltages to run properly.

power sockets in NZ

Connecting Your Appliances:

The most common type of power supply in New Zealand is the 240V AC, 50Hz. This means you can use any appliance with this power socket supply without additional electrical equipment.

Your appliances will come with plugs, so you won’t need to purchase them separately. However, if you want to buy some extra plugs for the future, you can get them at your local hardware store or electrical supplier.

If you are bringing over an appliance from another country, make sure it has a dual-voltage design to work properly on 110V and 240V systems.


The power sockets in NZ use a 240V, 50Hz AC power supply. The sockets have three flat pins arranged in a triangle, which makes the shape different from other countries. NZ1 and NZ2 are the outlets we mostly find in our homes. Choose the right socket based on the type of your appliance to avoid causing damage to your electrical gadgets.